Coupon Codes

Simply Clever Designs Coupon Codes

Coupon Code Policy: These coupon codes are applied automatically at checkout. Coupons codes cannot be applied to previous sales nor can the codes be applied retroactively.

2POCKETBIBS - $2.50 off every regular priced Pocket Bib on your order of 2 or more Pocket Bibs

2KIDAPRONS - $2.50 off every regular priced Kid Apron on your order of 2 or more Kid Aprons

2WATERPROOFBAGS - $2.50 off every regular priced Waterproof Bag on your order of 2 or more Wet Bags

2REUSABLEBAGS - $1.50 off every regular priced Reusable Bag on your order of 2 or more Reusable Bags